Tuesday 11 June 2019

Reference Lab and Anti-Markup Payment Limitation Services Denials Resolution

Reference Lab and Anti-Markup Payment Limitation Services Denials

Reason Codes: N270, N283 and N704

Claim Coding Impact: Not Applicable

Description of Issue:
In some circumstances, claims for Reference Lab and Anti-Markup Payment Services processed on/after February 1, 2019 were denied incorrectly.  These claims can be identified by these Reason Code messages:  N270: Missing/incomplete/invalid other provider primary identifier. N283: Missing/incomplete/invalid purchased service provider identifier. N704: You may not appeal this decision but can resubmit this claim/service with corrected information if warranted.                                 

Noridian Action Required:
Noridian will adjust claims when brought to our attention.
Provider/Supplier Action Required:  Providers may resubmit previously returned claims.
Proposed Resolution/Solution:  A mass adjustment will be completed for all impacted claims.

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